Friday, August 13, 2010

Have You Heard Of This Scott Pilgrim Movie?


Yes yes it's true, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is out in theaters right this motherhumping second and I hope that not a single one of you is reading this right as I type it but rather are off in some movie theater of your choosing choosing the Scott Pilgrim choice, which is the correct choice in every situation.

And then you need to go and read my review of the film from a couple weeks ago before most of the rest of you got to see it because nobody commented on it back then, because nobody had seen it yet, and that made me sad. Sad!

And then you need to go read my new piece over at Celebrity Beehive, where I ramble a little about Pilgrim, a little about Julia Roberts' enormous gaping mouth, a little bit about Jason Statham taking his shirt off... you know, the usual me-nonsense.



Unknown said...

I'm saddened that Julia chose to be in this movie. Maybe it was time for her to do a money maker.

Lots of ladies I know love the book, but it sounds like an anthem to being self absorbed to me. Maybe Julie and Julia has started a new trend in movies for us ladies over the age of 30.

Julia's gaping mouth was all the rage when she first became a star. I remember Oprah dedicating an entire show to her and how to get bee stung lips like hers.

paco. said...

Scott Pilgrim is AMAZING!

Sooo good, can't believe how good it is. Had a smile through the whole movie.