Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good Morning, World...


... sorry for the delay... I think I was bitten my a mouse.


SeangSTM said...

OMG...so I've been watching the Planet of the Apes movies and had no idea that Dr. Zaius is played by the same actor who played Hutch in Rosemary's Baby.


breedaniels said...

Tanus anyone?.....cough, cough, CARPET!!!.....

Rob K. said...

"You wanna know who Dr. Hill is, he's a Charlie NOBODY, THAT'S who he is!"

Dale said...

This scene is sort of quietly heartbreaking to me - it's the way she's clearly not cool with what Guy says he did, but doesn't feel she can actually stand up to him about it, and probably can't even articulate WHY him having sex with her while she's unconcious upsets her so.

It does an excellent job of setting up just how meek she is though, even with her husband.