"Our fans, even though we didn't have huge numbers, were exactly the type of people we were hoping to impress: smart and vocal and funny and almost snobby about their comedy preferences. You look at hugely-rated shows like 'Two and a Half Men' that get like a gazillion viewers - I have the sneaking suspicion that not one of them watches 'Party Down.' I think if a girl who liked 'Party Down' found out that her boyfriend liked 'Two and a Half Men,' she would break up with him."
But I understand some people's mileages may vary. It makes me love her more though. Especially the part where she officially starts the depressing not-gonna-happen but inevitable movie talk.
"We want it so bad. We could do it for no money, no time. We would do it for free. I just don't know if we're legally allowed to do it."
Fuck the man.
"Party Down" is one of my favorite shows ever. So sad to see it go.
I think that's starting here next Tuesday. I'm sort of in line with the kind of person she wants to impress - Well, I'm semi-snobby and hate stupid, sexist, unfunny Two and a Half Men - and this sounds like something I'd like, so I'll have to check it out.
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