Thursday, July 08, 2010

I Am Link

--- Ass To Eyes - Kick Ass to Cyclop's laser eyes, that is! No? Whatever. Aaron Johnson, Kick Ass star, has apparently won the role of Cyclops in the new X-Men: Muppet Babies movie. This isn't surprising since he was seen hanging out with Kick Ass and X-Men: Muppet Babies director Matthew Vaughn as well as the new Professor X James McAvoy recently. Anyway, Johnson and McAvoy and Fassbender oh my, I will lick this movie.

--- A Good Sign - Well somebody's seen Terrence Malick's latest experiment with testing the world's patience The Tree of Life with Brad Pitt - namely, that MPAA, who've given it a PG-13 rating, says here. If it's rated then it's gotta be nearing some sort of release-able state, one would assume. And you know what they say about assuming...

--- Dead Double Oh - MGM's financial troubles have gone too goddamn far - according to sources the James Bond franchise as it stands is kaput. You know what that means? No more of this:

Today is a day of mourning unmatched in human history.
(Oh who am I kidding - as long as DC gets roles,
he'll be taking his clothes off. He seems the sort.)

--- Plenty of Popcorn - I've hardly been able to keep up with all the coolness this past week at Stale Popcorn, so here are a bunch of links over - Glenn reviewed the new Predators. Glenn watched Supergirl for the first time, and even capped some Hart Bochner, not that you can watch that movie and not cap some Hart Bochner. Glenn continued his scene-by-scene review of the original Scream trilogy with Scene 6, aka the fun introductory scene by the Woodsboro High fountain. And on Friday he watched Evil Dead II for the first time (WHA?) and gave it the beautiful b&w treatment. Go go Glenn, rock star.

--- Sark & Simon & Kaylee, Oh My - Meanwhile Joe finished up his fantastic three-part interview with one-time Buffy writer Drew Z. Greenberg with a chat about his current show, Warehouse 13, which has immediately been programmed into my DVR. Anyone watch it? With the list of guest-stars he rattled off coming up this season there was no way no how I was missing a moment.

--- Wonder Pants - The costumer who was designing Wonder Woman's costume for what woulda been Joss Whedon's movie version has posted some images of the costume-to-be online. Not bad, although I gotta agree the midriff is a little bit nonsensical. I am Wonder Wo... oh damn they cut open my stomach again, nevermind. Keep your intestines covered up, girlfriend!
--- Sequined Queen - Matt Damon's given some hope to the gestating Liberace biopic he's supposed to star in opposite Michael Douglas for Steven Soderbergh - they should start shooting next Summer, and Richard LaGravenese's script is great, says he. Sounds fabulous!


paco. said...

Apparently Nicholas Hoult has been added to the x-men movie too, as Beast.

That's just crazy. Fassbender, McAvoy, Johnson, Hoult, wow.

Glenn Dunks said...

Thanks for the link love!

Dale said...

Oooh, I watch Warehouse 13, and have been missing it like crazy, it's not back on here yet. The plot is rarely anything spectacular, but I just adore the way the main four characters interact with each other. The mix of mild exasperation, teasing, affection, and occasional awkwardness, the little jokes and asides, the way the actors jell with each other... I haven't felt like this about a group since Firefly (so looking forward to Sean Mayer and Jewel Staite together!) so I'm hoping this time the show will get a long run and no one will leave or die, I don't want the gang broken up.

I started watching at the fourth episode though, so I don't know what the first three are like. And the group wasn't complete in those, and the characters didn't know each other that well, so IDK if I'd find them as charming as the rest of the show.