Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Four Ladies For Lisbeth

I don't know why I'm blogging about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so much - I haven't even read the books and I only thought the Swedish movie - the first one, I haven't seen the other two yet - was good, not great. I guess my brainw as won over by David Fincher and then Daniel Craig and then my inclination towards Ellen Page in the sought-after role of punk-hacker Lisbeth Salander. Anyway according to EW Page and Mulligan and all the big name ladies are out of the running for Lisbeth and it's now down to four names:

Clockwise that's Rooney Mara, who was Nancy in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake and is in Fincher's Social Network movie; Lea Seydoux, who was one in Inglorious Basterds and Ridley Scott's Robin Hood; and then two Aussie actresses - Sarah Snook and Sophie Lowe, and my Aussie readers will have to explain them since I don't know any of their credits. Alright - thoughts?


R-Co said...

I remember Sophie Lowe getting some notices for her role in Beautiful Kate, which was a relatively high profile film that then didn't really go anywhere. Blessed and Road Train were kind of high profile bombs though, and I've never heard of The Clinic...

Sarah Snook, not a clue. The people she's acting against in her two upcoming listed roles are all at least interesting actors, many of them very good at what they do, and some of them reasonably high profile in Australia, and her roles seem pretty big, so she must have something going for her. Her only seen credit being an episode of All Saints doesn't mean anything though - everyone's been on that show.

So, no help there, really. They must be hiding something from the Australian public if they're up for a role this big.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the book now and Ellen Page would be PERFECT! Oh well...


billy said...

Agree with Anon about Ellen Page.

homeslaughter said...

Sarah Snook looks the most fragile, I vote for her. Got to love boney women kicking ass

Anonymous said...

Rooney Mara added surprising depth to a throwaway character in Dare. I don't know much about the character, but I would like to see Mara in more roles.

DancerInDC said...

I've read the first 2 books and saw the Swedish movie.

Just on looks, I think Snook looks perfect.

Glenn Dunks said...

Lowe is talented and was quite good in Beautiful Kate and Blessed (although the latter is an atrocious film). R-Co, Road Train hasn't been released yet, but it IS apparently quite bad. The Clinic is another horror film that's getting some decent notices since premiering at a recent film festival.

Sarah Snook? Well, her acting credits are non-existent at this stage so we're going blind with her together.

R-Co said...

@Glenn - my bad. I was getting confused with Prime Mover. Where did The Clinic play?