Thursday, June 03, 2010

Yeah, Him Again


I can't help it that Kellan is so... forthcoming.
But I can document it while it lasts. (via)



John said...

I never get tired of looking at him but ironically I've never even mentioned him to my boyfriend. I like the pic of him showing off those arms. I will say his hair looked terrible in Twilight, but he's still hot.

Anonymous said...

ugh. why do you like this guy?! you have such good taste in men.. but not him! no.

John said...

Hey Anonymous, I don't agree but how do you know what kind of taste in men I have...just curious.

Jason Adams said...

I think anon was questioning my like for Kellan, John, not yours... that seems like it would make more sense since I display my taste for men here at MNPP... on occasion. ;-)

And I know a lot of people don't like Kellan or even if they think his body's great his face is funny or they just hate his roided up body. I hear it every other time I post on him. But we must agree to disagree. There's enough beefcake to go around and I try to post as many different sorts as interest me to keep something for everybody (but mostly for me).

Unknown said...

You might want to take a look at the extras on the "Generation Kill" DVD. In the video diary of one of the actors I believe Kellan is shown in some red boxer briefs looking amazing.Plus the mini-series is excellent.