Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Power Up!


Fifty-one days! Just fifty-one days until Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World comes out and changes my life. Or something. But for now there's a nice little chat between Wright and the film's star Mr. Michael Cera up at Wired. Loved this exchange regarding the fanboys and fangirls at ComiCon:

Cera: Have you seen people all decked out in Shaun of the Dead costumes?

Wright: Definitely. I’ve seen people with Shaun of the Dead tattoos. There’s a girl in Seattle who has a massive tattoo on her arm of Shaun holding a rifle. Then I met a guy in London who had the same tattoo on his leg. I told him there’s this girl in Seattle with the same tattoo—you two have to get together and have leg and arm sex.

Cera: Yeah, or at least a rousing game of Twister.

Wright: Then that same Shaun of the Dead arm lady recently tweeted me and said, “I’m going to have Nick Frost on my ass jumping through the air while firing two guns.” And I was thinking: “You still talking about as a tattoo or…”

Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that…

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