Friday, June 25, 2010

Pic of the Day

Ever want to see James Franco with a dick on his face?

(via) Well then you should head to his art exhibit here in New York at the Clocktower Gallery, titled The Dangerous Book Four Boys, open now through September. You can see a bunch of images from the show at both of those links above.

I know most people seem to enjoy Franco's stoner goofball side while finding his "I am Artist!" side ridiculous and pretentious and annoying, but I find them both endearing. It's the coexistence of both that makes him so suddenly fascinating a presence. He could totally coo in my ear about the nihilism of post-postmodern abstraction while I rest my head on his belly, is what I'm getting at.


Simon said...

He will bring avant-garde back to mainstream, I tell you.

Rob91316 said...

I'd rather see a picture of James Franco with my dick in his mouth. ;)