Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Want To Be That Tank Top


I'm usually somewhere on the fence with regards to 2003's Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I don't really love it, but I don't really hate it either. While it's no grungy masterpiece like the original, it did get a lot right. I'm not gonna defend it as stridently as my pal Glenn does, but I do think it represents one of Platinum Dunes' fleeting moments of occasionally inspired film-making. (If you know how I feel towards that studio, you'll recognize that's high praise coming from me.) Anyway there's one thing we can all agree upon with regards to the film - Mike Vogel looks amazing in this movie. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Here are some pics I've never posted before...

Gah. I feel let down by the entire world that he's not been cast in everything everywhere since this, and we've had to make do with terrible scraps, like him being forced to try to make "moodle" happen. Shudder.

Anyway, I've got hopes for his role in Blue Valentine opposite Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, and not just because he supposedly has a sex scene in the film and might get naked. ("Not just" can mean that's 1% true, right?) Says a source that reports on such sordid things (god I love the internet):

"MIKE VOGEL & RYAN GOSLING in Blue Valentine (2010).
Nudity is not confirmed from Mike, though likely. He has a sex scene with Michelle Williams during the film. Ryan Gosling has lots of sexual activity in the film, as well as possible full-frontal nudity, and has stated the film is erotic. Screening reviews have said that are close-ups during the sex and that it is very graphic. Some reviewers have even stated the film will get dumped to video 'cause of the amount of sex."

I know BV's been seen on the festival circuit already, so people out there know the answers to these demanding questions and are keeping it to themselves, and that's cruel shit, yo. Blue Valentine isn't out until New Years Eve. Boo! Move it closer!


Gwen said...

I agree that Mike looks amazing in TCM 2003 (and he gave a pretty good performance!). While remaining attractive, I don't think he's ever looked as hot again as in that movie.

John said...

Fuck the tank top I wanna be his underwear!

Glenn Dunks said...

Since you made mention of me I don't need to mention how good I think the movie is, but I will say how surprised I was to see Vogel outside of Texas because... well, he wasn't as sexy. In fact, I'd say I'm not attracted to him unless he's in this movie. Random.

I don't wanna be any of his clothes, I'd rather be an on set groupie who gets to have sex with him and Jonathan Tucker any time they like. Yes?