Friday, June 04, 2010

I Am Link

--- $igourney - Just the other day the boyfriend and I were discussing Siggy's choices in movies when he spotted her name on the poster for a new Tim Allen movie. The boyfriend reminded me that Siggy's from a pretty wealthy old NYC family and she definitely shouldn't need the money, so cash shouldn't explain why she'd do what looks like another shitty Tim Allen movie. I know they're probably friends after Galaxy Quest so that was my argument as to why she'd do it. But still, she's been working a lot lately, bless her, and there are a whole lot of movies coming up that she's attached to... I hope some of them are good. But she's always good. Always.

Case in point: today she's signed on to a Taylor Lautner movie. Eek! Although it is a John Singleton movie. Wait, John Singleton is directing a Taylor Lautner movie? WTF?

--- Big Bird Guy - Seems like the rumors are coming to fruition and Jeremy Renner is really gonna be playing Hawkeye in Joss Whedon's movie of The Avengers. Slash wonders if this could get in the way of his co-starring role opposite Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Paul Thomas Anderson's next movie. Fingers crossed that it won't! I need both!

--- Danny Dragon - Since James Bond is stuck in the same hole as The Hobbit while MGM's finances collapse around them, Daniel Craig's got to figure out other shit to do. Now one of the somethings he's gonna do appears to be the male lead role in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher's American version, that's been all the chatter lately.

--- Monster Mash - There are a few of these that I haven't seen and I full-on dislike their #4 pick but this list at Cinematical of worthwhile creatures features of the last decade is fun all the same, and it gives love to Teeth, a worthy recipient of love indeed (just not the penetrating sort, cuz ouch).

--- Hey Look - Zombie transform!

(via) That's what the decomposition of the undead in Frank Darabont's The Walking Dead series for AMC will look like. Cool!

--- Morris At Last - Yeah I read that I Love You Phillip Morris, the prison love story between Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor, was delayed yet again. Frankly I've given up on it ever getting a release here. Actually I gave up on that even before this new news of a delay happened when I read Aaron's review earlier this week and I realized that the film must now be available thru "other means." Which it is. So now I will probably watch it tonight, screw you, powers that keep the movie away from me for so long! I take it into my own hands now!

--- Jonah Hill's Weird Boner - That caught you attention, didn't it? That's an image all y'all always wanted to have. Anyway I'm thieving this bit from an excerpt of conversation between Hill and Get Him to the Greek and Forgetting Sarah Marshall director Nicholas Stoller and putting it out of context because it amuses me:

Jonah Hill: Wait, so you can show a boner, as long as it's not above 90 degrees?

Nicholas Stoller: I guess, if you have a weird boner.

--- And finally, for a conversation without talk of weird boners - although why anybody'd want to have a weird-boner-less conversation I'll never know - here's a nevertheless interesting chat with the director Neil Jordan where he talks a bit about the work he's doing adapting Neil Gaiman's delightful book The Graveyard Book, which is a movie I'd very much like to see. Very much.

1 comment:

Sibia Marie said...

I read the other day on John August's twitter that Phillip Morris was playing on his flight. Go figure.