Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 40, Brian Bloom

I hope where ever you are today there's a shower...

...or a weight room...

... or a supply closet...

... with Chris Meloni waiting for you in it.
(also a video camera)


DuchessKitty said...

Good God, yes please.

mac20 said...

Forty and Fabulous, but he'll always be my Dusty.

Bryan A. said...

I wanna eat that ass.

Anonymous said... this the encounter that ends with a quick head snap/broken neck?

Jason Adams said...

Well I left that bit out cuz it's a bit of a boner killer, but yes.

Derreck said...


I always squeal with glee when it gets referenced or brought up.

Bloom's nice but...Meloni, Meloni, Meloni.

Chris Keller was disturbingly hot.

Anonymous said...

Is this is a movie n if it is what is the name of it.

Anonymous said...

bloom can sit on my face anytime