Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Boo You Whore


Starz isn't renewing Party Down. Suck it, Starz!
Back off to obscurity with you then!


Pax Romano said...

Nooooo!!!! Damn, I just watched the first two seasons, ah screw it.

homeslaughter said...

Please tell me a real network will pick it up. This can't happen. Sun Eggs Forever

Jason Adams said...

Nah it's done with. I figured it was since they let Adam Scott sign on to another show, but I hoped maybe they'd fling something together someday. It's always seemed like a show that they could do with random people showing up here and there in between their real jobs, right? I figured it could keep going like that. Alas, reality's a cunt.

homeslaughter said...

glad I never paid for it

Joe Reid said...

Nobody did, is my guess. Which may have been the problem.

I wasn't really expecting it to come back either. And without Adam Scott OR Ryan Hansen? ...It still would've been pretty great, but it would have lost a lot.