Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am Link

--- Beefcake the Barbarian - Some new low-quality pictures of Jason Momoa as Conan have slithered their greased-up way onto the internets and I gotta say, Mamoa looks pretty damn fine. I won't mind watching him run and jump and swing and swoop no matter the film's worth as long as he's looking like that, I won't. Hey I sat through all of that terrible Viking movie for brief glimpses afforded of Sean Bean Karl Urban in a wet loincloth. (via Sean)

--- Triple Threat - Electronic Cerebrectomy gives a shout-out to three amazing fellows who were all born today, and I share his esteem for the two fantastic actors while admitting I've never read any of Ellison's stuff, shamefully.

--- Sans Foxx - Adoradle SNL'r Jason Sudeikis, adorable Always Sunny in Philadelpia'r Charlie Day, adorable Teen Wolf Too'r Jason Bateman and just plain hot Colin Farrell are in some movie together, blah blah blah, sounds great. So why does Jamie Foxx gotta be ruining that?

--- Hot Stuff - I love the roll that Cheyenne Jackson's been on lately with the whole being open about his famous crushes thing. First he did that list for AfterElton of the famous fellows he finds himself fellating (sorry got caught up in alliteration) eyeing, and now he discusses it some more with Jarett at PopWrap, including this choice bit:

"I saw Alexander in a locker room a couple of months ago and that man took my breath away... I actually saw him in nothing but a towel and while I’m not an old southern lady, I definitely got the vapors."

Stars! They're just as horny as us! But seriously Cheyenne, you are doing the lord's work, giving us these visuals of you and Alexander Skarsgård hanging out in the same locker-room.

Also, Cheyenne admits that he and Matthew Bomer are friends. No comment.

--- Meet Sly Halfway - Until a couple of years ago I always made sure to have an mp3 of Kenny Loggin's 80s power ballad "Meet Me Halfway" from the Stallone arm-wrestling epic Over the Top on my iPod; I guess time caught up with me and I forgot to grab it the last time I updated my music because it's been awhile since I've heard the song. Which is a darn shame! Cuz I grew up infatuated with it, as well as that terrible terrible movie it's from. It spoke to my "only child of a distant trashy father" genes. Well today Rich at FourFour has revisited the film and reminds us all why it's such an incredible cinematic glory(hole). As expected, since it's Rich, it's a gif-riffic experience of wonder to behold.

--- And finally, here's a video from Jimmy Fallon last night that I haven't watched yet but co-stars Jake Gyllenhaal. Which is enough! I will watch it soon! (thanks Melissa!)



Heather said...

The hip swivels half way through are going to make you swoon. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. Jake Gyllenhaal is so adorable. I want to do disgusting things to him.

Hugh Man said...

I wish they gave Conan straighter hair and what movie has Sean Bean as a viking in a wet loincloth?

Jason Adams said...

Shit I meant Karl Urban! 2007's Pathfinder. Got my LotR chaps mixed up.