Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mommy's Day



Lightning from the Future said...

So glad you referenced "The Brood."

Anonymous said...

Okay, so this is a completely random question.. I asked you another question on The House of the Devil a few days ago (good suggestion by the way) and I'm not sure if you remember that but anyway, from reading your blog I obviously know you're really into horror films and since you seem to have great taste in other areas of film I was wondering if you could suggest 5 or so great or essential horror films I have to watch. I've never really been into horror (of course I love the classics like The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, Halloween, etc.) but recently I've been watching some more in the genre but nothing really fantastic. I wanted to watch some more (and some good ones) but there so much out there I don't know where to start. If it's no trouble could you possibly recommend me some you love. And don't worry about my gross out factor, the sicker the better. Thank you!

Jason Adams said...

Oh Lord, anon, I could go on all day! Hrm well let me just spit out the first few that pop off my head (and I'm assuming you mean recentish ones since you've differentiated this from the 'classics' so I'll name my faves of the past few years...

[REC] and [REC]2, The Descent, Martyrs, Inside, Pontypool, Let the Right One In, Drag Me To Hell, Fear(s) of the Dark, Splinter, Teeth... uh I'm gonna stop now. That's a good starting point.