Friday, May 07, 2010

God I'm Depressed

Via Cinematical via EW here's the first image of that girl playing the vampire-girl in Let Me In, the American remake of the fantastic Let the Right One In:

Ugh. Dudes... this is gonna be an ugly few months, I can tell you right now. I hoped that Kick Ass would make me get over my dislike of that girl but it only strengthened it and now, now I look at that picture and I just wanna say a bunch of things that I'm refraining from saying because she is just 13 and I'm not that big an asshole. But I am not happy. Not happy! Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.


Simon said...

I'll say it: she's trying too hard. That's as polite as possible, of course. Some mid-level offensive would be to say she looked constipated.

Ms Scrappy said...

I really did not like her in 500 Days Of Summer. Probably because I can't stand "wise" children characters. Ten year olds are not wise, they just aren't

Lucky said...

It's not her fault. I don't think she's doing anything wrong, she's taking good projects and it's not her fault her (500) Days character was written that way. Let's give her a chance.