Monday, April 26, 2010

Quote of the (Other) Day

If you've ever liked Lizzy Caplan in anything - and if you've ever seen Lizzy Caplan in anything, like Cloverfield or Mean Girls or True Blood or Party Down then you have liked her in something - then you owe it to yourself to go read her interview with my bud Jarett over at PopWrap, it's a real humdinger. Shares the lovely lass:

"It’s difficult to keep your clothes on around Bobcat Goldthwait."

Naturally. Plus many other amazing bits... seriously, the last bit of the interview, which was really the part I wanted to quote the most but figured I'd let y'all discover it on your own in context, had me choking on my laughter. Hysterical. She's everything I hoped she'd be, and more. Much much more!

Did y'all watch Party Down this past week?
So happy it's back.


Noecitos said...

This girl is hilarious!
I loved her in True Blood and I'm downloading Party Down right now!

Robert said...

YEA Party Down. Megan Mullaly is NOT a disappointment, quite the contrary!

iñaki said...

well, that just made me wanna watch the show.