Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Quote of the Day II

Roger Ebert's as big a fan of Werner Herzog as I am, so I always enjoy it when he devotes one of his columns to the man. Today a new one's up, on a recent screening/dissection of Aguirre that Ebert attended where Herzog spoke of the filming, shot by shot, and this exchange with an audience member sums up a lot of what I enjoy so much about Herzog:

He said he doesn't give a great deal of thought to composition. "I focus entirely on the subject of the shot." One shot shows the fat man straddling a cannon and eating a mango. A voice asks, "Is that a phallic symbol?" Herzog replies" "It honestly never occurred to me until you pointed it out. I wanted to have a shot showing the man who consumed all our mangos."

There is audience discussion of the "painterly composition" of a shot of a camp the Spanish party makes in a clearing.

"I am a filmmaker, not a painter," Herzog says. "I have a gift for arranging men and horses. It comes easy for me."

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