Monday, April 12, 2010

Alice in Wonderland in 150 Words or Less


I want my money back, and I didn't even pay for the ticket.

You know that running gag where The White Queen (Anne Hathaway) kept, well, gagging at everything? Yeah multiply that by a dozen. What a turd.

And I too give it ten "Not this time, Depp!"'s!



zyzzyva said...

It couldn't redeem the whole mess of a movie, but I felt the only 'redeeming aspect' was the Cheshire Cat.
I thought he was delightfully designed and criminally underused (due to the Mad Hatter stealing the guide role, I suppose).
And one can never go wrong with Stephen Fry.

Jason Adams said...

I'm SO glad you said this, zyzzyva, I totally agree. I just didn't mention it since I didn't feel it fit the tone of my brief review, but I almost crammed it in there anyway, because I too loved the way the Cat looked and moved and yes, Mr. Fry is always all good, always. You're spot on.

unclemike said...

I really liked lots of bits and pieces and parts of the movie (the Cat, the caterpillar, the tumble down the hole, the Hatter's look), but when it all came together it was kind of a shrill mess.

Joe Reid said...

Huh. I really wasn't at all impressed by the Cat. In fact, I barely remember anything about it. HBC's small moments of lunacy, however, I do recall as being the few bright spots in a dull (but not so offensive as you found it, I don't think) movie.

Jason Adams said...

HBC had a couple of funny moments, I guess. I guess!

Julia said...

Can I just say: what the HELL was Anne Hathaway on when they made that movie?

Mat said...

Anne Hathaway was about the only character I could stand in this movie. Possibly because I got sick of everyone else talking so much. I don't think a character has grated on my nerves as much as Alice in years.