Wednesday, March 31, 2010

War of the Pecs


Stephen Dorff has joined the cast of Tarsem's War of the Gods, says here. That puts him alongside Henry Cavill and Kellan Lutz. Better bring your beefcake a-game, Dorffy!


Joe Reid said...

Oh man, what was this, Cold Creek Manor? Never before have I so hated a movie that brought me such amazing hotness.

Stephen Dorff's the lead in the new Sofia Coppolla movie, right? This could be a bit of a year for him.

Jason Adams said...

I've never seen this movie, but pictures of him from it have always made me want to.

I was gonna say something about his sudden presence in movies I care about. It's weird. It seemed like his career wasn't really going anywhere, and suddenly, bam.

Joe Reid said...

That's what getting in fistfights with Jeremy Piven outside douchey L.A. clubs will get you. Take this lesson, downtrodden actors: beat the hell out of Jeremy Piven. Then see what happens.

[Word verification: "fatte"; Well FUCK YOU too, Blogger!]