Friday, March 26, 2010

Quote of the Day

Over at the NYT today A.O. Scott wrote a fantastic piece on Greta Gerwig - specifically her performance in Greenberg, so you might want to beware of spoilers for that film if you haven't seen it yet, but he extends it to a bunch of her other work - and it syncs up with my thoughts on her and her work in the movie pretty much perfectly (although he articulates it about a billion times better, of course). Choice bit:

"Ms. Gerwig, without a background in Hollywood, television or professional theater... does not carry herself like a would-be movie star or sound much like one either. She is more goose than swan — a big-boned and a little slouchy, indifferent to the imperatives of gracefulness that can land you romantic-comedy roles and a spot in the Vanity Fair “Young Hollywood” group portrait. When she takes off her clothes — which is not infrequently — it does not seem teasing or exhibitionistic but disarmingly matter-of-fact. Her diction is more like what you hear at the next table in the local coffee bar than at the movies. She tends to trail off in midsentence, turn statements into questions or sometimes tangle herself up in a rush of words. She comes across as pretty, smart, hesitant, insecure, confused, determined — all at once or in no particular order. Which is to say that she is bracingly, winningly and sometimes gratingly real."
He also says she "may well be the definitive screen actress of her generation." Not to throw too much pressure on the girl or anything there, Tony.

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