Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh My God It's Atticus!


I know y'all know what a freak I am for Jake so this won't surprise any of you, but my thoughts on many occasions have turned to his dogs, Atticus and Boo, whom we haven't seen for ages upon ages in public. Ages! I'd actually convinced myself that that sharp-chinned harpy had made Jake give them up, I had. So it's a delight seeing him hanging out with Atticus again. Course, it's only now that the sharp-chinned harpy has receded back into the shadows, so perhaps I was onto something. Anyway, boy-on-puppy porn, ho! (via)



Joe Reid said...

You know, it's really ugly of you to keep saying terrible things about certain people after you've successfully run certain people out of town. Uglier than Jake's "Prince of Persia" hair.

Jason Adams said...

I know, I know. I just need a period of adjustment. I will be able to like the sharp-chinned harpy I mean Reese again soon, I promise. Well if she ever decides to make a movie worth seeing again, that is. I can't make any promises without that! She's gotta meet me halfway!

Anonymous said...

I'll just say it 'cause someone has to say it: THAT ASS!! OM-F*ING-G!!! Oh, and he's a great actor, too.

whitney said...

Yay! I love men with big dogs. I love dogs. Jake is pretty cool, but I think I might like Atticus more.

Wayne B said...

I don't know why but now that he's not with Reese Witherspoon anymore, he's seemed to have magically regained his hotness. Yowza.