Tuesday, March 30, 2010

5 Off My Head - Summer Lovin'

Just got my tickets for the Sam-in-a-skirt-riffic Clash of the Titans remake this weekend and it got me thinking, the Summer movie season's pretty much here, right? I mean it's moved up and up and up each year, working their damndest to rape our wallets but good with their spectacular spectaculars, so here it not, not even Easter yet, and the first big CG-fest of the Summer's upon us.

Anyway, Summer's here, whether the weather or the calendar wants to cooperate or not. So what's this mean movie-wise? What is there to watch? Well here are the 5 Summer movies, post-Titans, that I'm most looking forward to.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Might as well get the obvious baby of the bunch outta the way first, right? I practically shot sperm out of my eyeballs all over its trailer last week. So excited. (out on August 13th)

Toy Story 3 - I'm a little worried about all the new characters they've been showing off these past few weeks; I hope they don't steal up too much of the characters-that-we-care-about's time. Although given Pixar's track-record they'll make us love these new characters in a jaunty five seconds just as much as we do any of the ol' gang. I'm also a little soured about all the praise heaped upon the unfit Up - which was half a good movie - but a return to Woody & Co. ought to erase any of that bad taste from my mouth right quick. (out on June 18th)

Predators - I thought Adrien Brody was an inspired choice on Day One and the footage we've seen so far's only underlined that opinion o' mine. Add in Robert Rodriguez producing and Nimrod Antal directing and I think they might actually make something right outta this, I do. It'd be nice after those AVP abominations. (out on July 9th)

Inception - I've been purposefully quiet on this one. I've avoided almost everything there's been to read and see so far... thankfully there hasn't been much to read or see, because I am weak. I did see that amazing world-folding trailer, and I do believe in Chris Nolan's ability to break my fucking brain. (out on July 16th)

Centurion - Neil Marshall and Michael Fassbender? Epic violence, kick-ass ladies, and... shirtless Michael Fassbender? Yes, please... actually fuck the "please" - just GIMME. (out on August 6th)

Oh sure there are plenty of other movies I'm curious and/or enthusiastic about. I want to see Kick Ass solely because of the great word-of-mouth that's been following it from screenings; to be honest its trailers have made me actually want to see it less. Alternately, RDJ be damned the trailer for Iron Man 2 actually kinda made me want to see the movie. And I really didn't like the first one very much. I want to see Jonah Hex because hello Evil Michael Fassbender (also my weird like of Megan Fox). The Nightmare on Elm Street remake out at the end of April is the one I'm most hopeful they don't fuck up, but I'm holding my breath on that one, not allowing myself the slightest whiff of enthusiasm until I see it for myself. Platinum Dunes has done me too wrong before. But Jackie Earle Haley, man... and then there's Prince of Persia. Oh please please don't be bad, Prince of Persia.

What are y'all dying to see?


Joe Reid said...

"Oh please please don't be bad, Prince of Persia."

HA! Oh man. It's like a kid asking Santa for a real-life Ewok for Christmas.

Jason Adams said...

Hey! Ewoks are real!

Simon said...

I am so torn...Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim, or Inception. I'm on limited, under-17 budget, now I must choose?

And Prince of Persia will be aawesome, shut up. A Gyllenhaal can't be wrong, can they?

Hugh Man said...

Can't wait to see Low-rise briefs Jake the movie. Then up the skirt with Worthington, and finally, Anime punch in nice jeans with Evans.