Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... exploring nature with Rupert Graves.

You know, a friend of mine cursed me by bringing up this scene in A Room With a View last night. By "cursed" I mean "chucked me unto the rabbit hole that swallows me up whenever Rupert Graves' name is uttered." I just spent a very long time looking at pictures of him. Mostly him in Maurice... oh Scudder! My Scudder.

And here just yesterday I brought up another veddy British (though far less iconic) skinny-dipping scene - the one in the new version of Brideshead Revisited with Matthew Goode and Ben Whishaw - so I guess I'm "cursed" to a week spent thinking about skinny British boys running around in the outdoors completely naked and jumping on each other. Terrible terrible curse, that.


1 comment:

J.D. said...