Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Surgery Scar Or Razor Burn: You Decide


I know that I was supposed to be noticing Jack's appendectomy scar in this shot, but all I could look at was his gut stubble. Gut stubble! Unattractive! Stop the madness, Matthew Fox! Ugh.


Joe Reid said...

You know, I hear your outrage and receive it in the spirit with which it was intended, but you've made me wonder whether this waxed Matthew Fox we've all noticed (and you've gone 'round the bend about) might be storyline-mandated. That is, they need to make a point about the g-d scar, and it'd be harder to notice that amid a hairy midsection.

Your show or your predilection for the hair man: CHOOSE!

Jwise said...

OK, so the fact all three of us have thought this much on Jack/Matt's hairy chest is loony.

Having said that....

I think this is actually more about Matthew than Jack -- back when he was making Speed Racer, he had a shirtless scene and was clean shaven for that. I'm assuming the timing conflicted with a shirtless scene on Lost, resulting in a hairless Jack.

Now, up until this point they've been forced to keep him bare for continuity sake, but with this alt-timeline I would have thought (read: hoped) he could revert to his natural state.


DancerInDC said...

Last night we decided that if Jack would stop shaving his chest, maybe his son would love him.

Hugh Man said...

Agh! This makes no sense! It is the worst mystery on this show! WHY?! Worst episode yet! Please just a line to explain-- I came back to island because I was broken. I can't grow back my chest hair Hurley!