It was four short days ago that I said this:
"... some word on Neil Marshall's next film, Centurion, starring oh-boy-you-betcha Michael Fassbender, would be welcome right about now too, it would..."
Lo, behold, what's better than "some word"? Some fucking pictures. That move, and shit. That's what! Via IGN comes the trailer, yo.
But apparently we still don't have a release date set for it.
Boo! This is The Year of the Fassbender. Make it happen!
Boo! This is The Year of the Fassbender. Make it happen!
ETA I hadn't actually watched the trailer before posting it - now I have (without sound) and holy crap I wanna see this movie! I am firmly entrenched in Team Neil Marshall anyway - my reactions to his three films so far have ranged from have liked-very-much (Doomsday, Dog Soldiers) to worship-on-my-knees (The Descent) - and this looks like a blast. Michael Fassbender also spends a good chunk of it shirtless, which helps. But other than that, it looks like a complete hoot. A hoot! I know a lot of people didn't really get Doomsday, which moments of this are reminding me of, though... but y'all are on the wrong side of history. Neil Marshall owns.
This looks fantastic! Thanks for posting it.
Are you going to be covering Spartacus: Blood & Sand? It seems, uh, relevant to your interests. I've been watching it free through Netflix and each episode has improved on the last.
Fassbender rules!!!
This really made my whole day. And this movie better be released in Aust, or I will cut a bitch.
Also, it appears we share exactly the same opinion of Neil Marshall's movies so far. Huh.
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