Monday, February 08, 2010

I Am Woman, See Me Roar

STYD has some news I've been waiting to hear... although it's not exactly what I wanted to hear:

"The UK theatrical release, The Descent: Part 2, bypassing U.S. multiplexes and heading direct to DVD. Lionsgate Home Entertainment announced it's releasing the sequel on April 27."

That's the cover art there to the left (and I actually think it's attractive, that cover). It would've been nice to have the chance to see this in a theater, but oh well. Supposedly the sequel's a disappointment, they say, but I don't much care, I say, I just wanna see it, shit or no. I've seen a lotta shit in my day and can handle a little more! Hopefully there's something of interest. If nothing else it'll inspire me to re-watch the original film for the 20th time, and that always proves welcome.

And this reminds me further that some word on Neil Marshall's next film, Centurion, starring oh-boy-you-betcha Michael Fassbender, would be welcome right about now too, it would...

1 comment:

Michael Seth said...

Lionsgate is doing really odd things lately. I wouldn't necessarily judge the film's quality by what they deem theatrically releasable or not. I just caught Ti West's Cabin Fever 2, and it was, no joke, one of the best horror movies I've seen in the last twenty years. And you will love it.