Thursday, January 07, 2010

Why Won't They Stop?

This is all Martin Scorsese's fault! He went and took Infernal Affairs, an apparently terrific (I haven't gotten around to it yet) Asian-language flick and turned it into The Departed and won a bag of Oscars for it, so now everybody thinks they can take serious-minded Asian-language movies and remake them here for something special. Ugh! Via here:

"Warner Bros has picked up English-language remake rights to CJ Entertainment’s South Korean hit Sympathy For Mr Vengeance.

Brian Tucker has been set to write the screenplay about two men who set out to avenge the deaths of their beloved women, only to discover that each killed the other’s lover and in the end only one can have his vengeance."

I've seen Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance several times and that description there is the most confusing take on it that I have ever seen. What? But anyway, leave Park Chan-wook alone, Hollywood! Christ on an effing cracker. Or maybe gives him a bunch of money to make lots of his own movies forever more. That'll do, too. But depending on the day, the way I'm feeling, my heart flutters back and forth across all three of Park's Vengeance films when picking a favorite, and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance holds a very dear place for me. This is straight-up malarkey!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of vengeance, have you seen Johnnie To's film "Vengeance"? (the one that premiered at last year's Cannes festival) It's amazing, and I for one like it better each time I think about it (haven't seen it a second time)... somebody should remake it. like, right now.

Alex DeLarge said...

I'm glad you have as much passion for Park Chan-wook films as I do. I would hate to see a remake of his classics. They would dumb it down into nothing.

"two men who set out to avenge the deaths of their beloved women, only to discover that each killed the others lovers" what a strange description

I hope it fails