Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Last Night I Finally Got Around...


... to seeing the last aired episode of Dollhouse,
in case anybody gots anything to say about it.

How much did it feel like a final episode though? A friend of mine who I talked to about the episode before I watched it expressed surprise that there was another episode coming and now, after having watched it myself, I understand what she meant. But I see the need to address the Epitaph future, which is where we're headed, obviously. I gotta go watch Epitaph One this week to refresh my brain.

As for this past episode, I spent 50% of the episode screaming that Amy Acker should be a star and how incredible she is, and the other 50% screaming that Enver is God (the triumphant return of his Topher impression!). So the usual. Oh and another 50% drooling over Olivia's every withering glance, naturally.



Joe Reid said...

Oh like Acker in a man's suit chick-fighting w/ Eliza Dushku wasn't just a giant handjob to Whedon fags anyway. Not that I'm necessarily complaining -- and Enver's Topher reprise was a similar gesture -- but the Acker-in-a-suit thing seemed especially...pandering?

Jason Adams said...

I'm a big fan of pandering handjobs so it sat fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Love love love Amy Acker and Olivia Williams. But did you buy Boyd as the Big Bad?

Given the intensity of the last couple of eps, it was kind of a letdown. I'm hoping that Epitaph Two will serve as a more satisfying conclusion to the series.