Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


Anonymous said...

Wild guess based on the first frame: NIGHT ON EARTH??

Jason Adams said...

Not Night on Earth.

Jay said...

Looks like 12 Monkeys to me

Jason Adams said...

Yuppers, 12 Monkeys for the win.

Joe Reid said...

Okay, at least my initial guess of "Slaughterhouse Five" wasn't so far off, given the real answer.

RYAN M said...

Damn, so close!
The last frame made me think of Brazil...but I knew that wasn't it. At least I got the Terry-Gilliam-part =)
His films just have that distinctive look...you know it's a Gilliam film, I suppose, haha.

Anonymous said...

That's an interesting point, his distinctive look, because the last shot also put him into my head, but for me Time Bandits.

Jason Adams said...

His films really do all have the Gilliam look, I know exactly what y'all are saying. I actually actively tried to avoid frames showcasing it too much as much as I could with these pics because I knew it'd give the game away. But obviously it's there anyway! ;-)