Monday, January 18, 2010

2 Things I Did Not Do This Weekend

This weekend ran away from me so I didn't get a whole lot done. Two of the thing I didn't get done I ought to mention. First off, I haven't seen Friday's episode of Dollhouse yet. So nobody say nothing about it to me yet! You will make me cry if you do, and my tears are made of concentrated Ebola and causing me to cry will bring about mass global extinction.

Secondly, I did not watch the Golden Globes last night. Well I had the TV on for the last half an hour or so but I wasn't listening to anything anyone was saying. I saw enough though. Sandy Bullock and Robert fucking Downey Jr. babbling on with awards in their hands was plenty enough to tell me I made the correct choice. And y'all know I enjoyed the heck outta Avatar but even I can't possibly defend awarding it Best Drama of the year. What a ruse.

Anyway, those are the things I missed this weekend. If there was anything earlier in the Globes you feel I oughta know about - like, how was Michael Haneke's speech? - there's the comments. Right there! At the bottom!

And things I did not miss out on this weekend, in case you're curious, are playing about 10 hours of New Super Mario Brothers, and I'm halfway through Sigourney's episode of SNL and laughing my damn fool ass off at her silly antics. Like, I didn't think the following could be extended into a whole new skit, but I'll be gosh-darned if it isn't hilarious with Siggy playing along:



"The Brandy Snifter" is amazing.
Love you, Siggy!


Anonymous said...

Meryl's speech and your guy from bastards.

Jason Adams said...

Oh Michael Fassbender was there! Of course he was! How foolish of me to miss that. Must find pictures...

And of course Meryl's speech ruled, her speeches always do. Charmer, that one.

Pax Romano said...

That sketch was a hoot ... The Old TV!!

Julia said...

James Cameron made me want to punch him through my screen during his acceptances. He spoke in the Na'vi language and was generally an insufferable ass. Hilariously, though, when they cut to audience reactions while he was talking, EVERYONE looked pissed. I'm hoping that this means they all realize what an injustice his win was, and go vote for Kathryn Bigelow for the Oscar.

Anonymous said...

I liked how he had no speech prepared...but could rattle off a fake language fluently.

I plan to remake a movie in 3-D with space aliens...maybe Shawshank Redemption-without acknowledging it of course-I bet I can win a Golden Globe as well.

And at least Downey treated the Globes with all the respect and reverence they deserved...none.

Joe Reid said...

Julia's comment bears repeating: HE SPOKE NA'VI. It's gonna be our new fucking Klingon. THANKS, NERDS.

Jason Adams said...

Well the enrds have let me down because there doesn't appear to be an Englsih-to-Na'vi translator online yet, and I was desperate to write this comment in the blue tongue. HARUMPH.

RDJ looked like he was coked out of his mind. I wasn't listening to what he was saying though.

Julia said...

I know you're not a RDJ fan, JA, but he did give one of the best speeches of the night. Also, his wife is super adorable.

And yes, the Na'vi translator may not exist now, but surely it's only a matter of time. ;)

Anonymous said...

Haneke was cut off quickly like most of the "normies"...