... and you wouldn't have a clue of that looking around here. Shame on me. Brothers, with Jake and Tobey and Natalie, comes out in theaters everywhere today. I haven't piped up on this one in ages. I don't know where I lost the fire in my belly over it... the weird shrieky trailer didn't really help - I was expecting something much more quiet and serious than the vibe that trailer gave off. That could just be the fault of the marketing people, hyping up the tension for ticket sales, of course. But it put me off. As much as I can be put off by a movie starring these three. But even beyond that... I don't know, I suffered through the attractive misery of The Road earlier this week and it was such a chore even putting my ass in the seat there, and this just seems its cut from the same attractively miserable cloth. Downer! I need uppers right now. But oh I'll catch it eventually, of course. Jake, after all. Speaking of, here are some pictures of Jake being adorable (if dour) in the movie that I haven't posted before.
I know that you like the Jakey, but I just can't work up one single iota of interest for this translation. The original film with Connie Nielsen was good and perfectly accessible to anyone who can read subtitles. For some reason this remake feels even more unnecessary than similar Americanizations.
Plus, Natalie's on my hate list since she signed the Polansky petition.
Wow, I can't believe it, don't let the trailer put you off! It is a great movie...just saw it tonight. The original is still great of course but the three of them are excellent and Jake does some of his best acting yet. Really see it.
And you MUST watch that Jimmy Kimmel interview! Jake is so freaking sexy and adorable and funny and charming, etc, etc.
Umm, am I the only one who noticed the position of that snowman?
Just returned from seeing this film. Wonderful performances and not a false note among them. I expect awards people!
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