Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hey, It's That Guy From Teeth, Maybe


I'm only about 75% on this one, but I'm fairly sure I just saw the adorable boy named Hale Appleman whose only known to me by the "vagina dentata" classic picture Teeth on the street. I suppose I could've yelled at him Hale Appleman and seen what happened, probably someone would've thought I was either a mental patient or having a seizure most likely, but a name like Hale Appleman catches and retains the attention. I mean, obviously, since I remember that is the actor's name that's in Teeth and I've never seen him anywhere else. But he left a mark (Get it? Teeth... mark? Sigh.) besides just his melodious smells-of-autumn name, by being adorable. See this previous post with more gratuitous pics of him to understand. Oh and if it was him he is very very tall. Swoon, tall. IMDb says he lives here in NYC so it's possible I guess. Anyway hi, maybe-Hale!



Michael Seth said...

bonus: he's a gay.

Jason Adams said...

I wasn't sure but I kinda had the feeling. I do think I'd read that somewhere. I shoulda just jumped on him then! ;-)

Michael Seth said...

yeah. as if going to laguardia arts high achool wasn't gay enough, a friend of mine know him and knows that he's a super gay.

Jason Adams said...

Super Gay! With the ability to pound ass faster than a speeding bullet, and able to leap onto tall dicks in a single bound!