Did anybody get to see A Single Man this weekend? I know it's in limited release so anyone outside of New York (is it in LA too?) wouldn't have had the chance yet. But some of y'all NY'ers maybe did? Anyway, as the flip-side to last week's interview with Colin Firth, here's a choice bit from an interview with Matthew Goode that The Advocate posted yesterday; in response to a question about Tom Ford saying ASM isn't "a gay film" Goode had this to say:
"...you can’t escape the fact that these are men kissing, but what’s lovely about George’s remembrances of Jim is the fact that it’s not a sweaty clinch — which would’ve been fine, because I would’ve been very happy to snuggle up to the rug on Colin Firth’s chest. It was remembrances like sitting on the sofa reading books together, and there’s a beauty in the banality of those scenes that also speaks to their universality.".
Saw it. Could not be more infatuated with Matthew Goode if my name was "Tom Ford's camera." Particularly given this quote.
Word. I am in Wisconsin and happened to have to good luck of seeing it because one of my fave profs runs a cinema club for rich people and likes to stack the audience with ringers for the discussion afterwards.
I really loved it. I recognize that it is flawed and a tad cliche, but it really hit home with me in a lot of different ways.
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