My, what big blue balls you have, James Cameron.
Having suffered through Nine's sloppy musical numbers last week, I couldn't help but compare those to Cameron's masterfully staged and shot and edited action scenes here, and the difference is as distant as Pandora is from Earth. It fills you with awe - not just the visuals, which are as magnificent as promised, but the ability with which you find yourself effortlessly loosed inside this new place.
And that's because JC knows how to shoot a fucking movie. He knows when to pull the camera out and give you the sweeping vista, when to reel it in, and when to slow it all down to show you what's happening. The rhythm, even for an almost 3 hour film, is undeniable, and inescapable. Sure the story's old, the characters are broad and the dialogue's... questionable. But the sincerity and the heart of this giant thing... it gets you. Even as the 900 pound blue gorilla in the room, after watching it I don't know why anybody would wanna knock it. Completely uncynical. It just wants you to have fun. To see spectacular things, and to make you feel like a kid again. And man does it succeed.
Having suffered through Nine's sloppy musical numbers last week, I couldn't help but compare those to Cameron's masterfully staged and shot and edited action scenes here, and the difference is as distant as Pandora is from Earth. It fills you with awe - not just the visuals, which are as magnificent as promised, but the ability with which you find yourself effortlessly loosed inside this new place.
And that's because JC knows how to shoot a fucking movie. He knows when to pull the camera out and give you the sweeping vista, when to reel it in, and when to slow it all down to show you what's happening. The rhythm, even for an almost 3 hour film, is undeniable, and inescapable. Sure the story's old, the characters are broad and the dialogue's... questionable. But the sincerity and the heart of this giant thing... it gets you. Even as the 900 pound blue gorilla in the room, after watching it I don't know why anybody would wanna knock it. Completely uncynical. It just wants you to have fun. To see spectacular things, and to make you feel like a kid again. And man does it succeed.
I'll give you my review in 5 words:
Breathtaking Bush-era alien Pocahontas
I don't even want to see it again, but when the DVD eventually makes it into weekly rentals, I'm going to rent it out just so I can pause it whenever I want and get a good look at all the Pandora scenery porn in detail, and then take screencaps.
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