Thursday, November 19, 2009

Steve Zahn's Aptly-Named Plow Position

Reader request! A few weeks back I did a nice hefty gratuitous post on the adorable actor Steve Zahn. Then just earlier this week it was brought to my attention by commenter Michael that there is a scene of gratuity in Zahn's film-work that has gone unattended to by the internet-machine so far! Quelle horreur! Apparently in the 2001 comedy (and I use that word broadly here) Saving Silverman (which also stars Jason Biggs, Amanda Peet, and Jack Black), Zahn is shown doing some "naked yoga." Well I could scarcely let such a thing go undocumented, now could I? So here tis, in all its glory: Mr. Steve Zahn elucidating the glory of the imagination-revving-ly named "plow position" in the film Saving Silverman...



Ross said...

Such flexibility should not be wasted on a straight man!


WHAT THE HELL? How did i know about this scene in tha tmovie

J.D. said...

Oh my godddddddddd.

Anonymous said...

oh heavens, i'll be looking for that scene...or at least the full visual

Unknown said...

This position confirms it, this guy is so hot!!

Moose said...

I can actually do that, and I'm a straight guy. No lie.