Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So I Just Got My Copy Of Under the Dome...


... in the mail, and OH MY GOD this book is ENORMOUS.

That's all.


ScottE. said...

I just started reading it...very excited. Enjoying it so far. But yes, it's Huge!

dashdog said...

I ordered on Amazon during the "pre-order book wars" earlier this month and got mine for $9. Apart from my glee over that, I have to say that I haven't read Stephen King in a long time but that darn cover -- fucking graphically brilliant -- sold it for me. I'm an easy mark I guess! So, I'm going to tackle it after this weekend; all 1100+ pages. Is there that much story to tell? Who is his editor?! Happy you brought the book up.

Prospero said...

I've already been told not to buy it, which means I have to wait until Christmas... :(

Mat said...

Guh. I can't even get it here yet.