Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Must Watch!

That is I must watch this. I haven't yet. And I'm telling me to watch it when I can. Yes I have the chance to post it but not to watch it. So goes my life. Why are you harassing me about this anyway? Don't you have anything better to do? Huh? Get out of my face!

Ahem. Here's Kristen Wiig reading from Suzanna Somers' book of poetry. How the hell does Suzanne Somers have a book of poetry? This reminds me of the time a friend and I collapsed on the floor in hysterical laughter while skimming through Jewel's book of poetry. Something about having a goldfish in her stomach. Good grief.




Anonymous said...

yeah you should watch that the MINUTE you get home... ummm, and i don't remember collapsing in hysterical laughter, I think we collapsed due to the beauty and depth of Jewel's poetry... it sang to our souls... "There is a goldfish in my stomach..."

shaun said...

I, too, really wish people wouldn't waste so much love on dogs! Oh, Suzanne Somers, apparently, there's even more you could have brought to this world, if only our hearts and minds had been more open.