Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Midwinter What's The What Now?

There's a new Tori Amos album out today?
WTF? I had NO idea!

An album of holiday-ish songs
called Midwinter Graces.
Out today. Ack!

What's weird is I was just thinking about Miss Amos this morning, some song came on my iPod and I wondered how long it'd be til we got the next album. Never did "five minutes" pop into my head as a possible answer. Lordy. Yay!


Ross said...

Make sure you watch the DVD that comes with it first. She gives a detailed explanation of what she's trying to do with the album. Which is good, since I normally hate Christmas music.

Anonymous said...

What's with the comic book pose and costume?

Ross said...

The cover is crap, but she looks great in the pictures in the booklet. Photoshopped to hell, for sure, but still lovely.