Tuesday, November 10, 2009

John Cassavetes Four Times


What an oversight that I've never properly gratuitized the man behind Guy Woodhouse before! Hard to fathom, but true. I realized it about halfway through Arbogast's as-always-on-point post on Rosemary's Baby today, and swooped into action. Well, as much swooping as is possible while not moving a damn inch, of course. Semantics! Nothing but semantics. Anyway y'all should seriously read Arbogast's post, it's wonderful. (Course I could read about Rosemary all the long live day and never ever get tired.)


Arbogast said...

You always say such nice things.

It's hard to believe John's been gone for 20 years now.

Jason Adams said...

Well if you'd stop writing such awesome posts I could go back to being my normal nasty self again. God, Arbogast, think of the children! You know, the hypothetical ones I'd be abusing if it weren't for you, making me smile. Sheesh I says.

I went through a load of pictures of JC (hardy har to his initials) for this and couldn't help but think how wonderful it'd be if he were still around. Purely for selfish reasons is how my mind framed this, of course - I'd have bowled over to meet him or at least see him on the street. Alas. I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for him in the depths of Hades then!