Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Devil's DVD

I assume that Ti West's wonderful horror flick The House of the Devil - my review - is still playing on Demand like it has been for weeks but we all know Ye Olde Saying about assuming so anybody who knows for sure you go right ahead and let us know.

But now we've got word on the DVD! Which I will surely own and cherish and stroke my fingers across the case late at night when I don't think anyone is looking. It's out on February 2nd, 2010. And that's the cover to it there to the left, looking just like the best poster for the film (although there were a bunch of awesome posters made for it).

It's been weeks since I watched the film and it's only grown in my estimation. A terrific, smart, and well-acted flick. See it, you fools! See it!

ETA I just noticed that Roger Ebert reviewed the film today! Choice bit:

""The House of the Devil" has been made almost by hand by Ti West, who wrote, directed and edited the movie. He's an admirer of classic horror films and understands that if there's anything scarier than haunted house, it's a possibly haunted house. The film may provide an introduction for some audience members to the Hitchcockian definition of suspense: It's the anticipation, not the happening, that's the fun."

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