Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Which Is Hotter?


With today's news that Robert Rodriguez has hired Adrien Brody as his lead in the franchise-reboot Predators (and that Brody apparently lobbied really hard for the part), this query by yours truly seemed inevitable. I mean, oh sure, you could agrue that this isn't exactly "fair" since the film hasn't even begun filming so we have no idea how Brody will look in the role or even what the character he's set to play is supposed to be like, but... well, fair is a four-letter word as far as I'm concerned! Well actually it's a four-letter word as far as anyone's concerned - it's just a fact. Fair has four letters. But whatever! Don't argue with me.

So which is hotter? Adrien Brody or
Predator-era Arnold Schwarzenegger?



For what it's worth, here are a couple of my thoughts on this match-up: although as a general rule men that are as insanely jacked as Arnold was here gross me out, I definitely had a thing for him in this period when I was a kid, and when I re-watched some of Predator a few months ago I was surprised to see that it's held the test of time. When he's all slathered in mud and wild-eyed there towards the end... he is just a big ball of sex. Brody''s appeal is so contrary to what Arnold was working with I think it's great casting on Rodriguez's part, if what he's looking to do is separate his movie from the past films. We shall see.



Wayne B said...

"I definitely had a thing for him in this period when I was a kid,"
Me too,

J.D. said...

Adrien Brody masklalkdlkaljk edlk;dekl;lkm; pinskn dlaskfkweih tjiwn ruowshdfyvlcvxl; vlpdxfvkweir8scy 87 y78c687t6tg 9r7 t 7dmlfewplkgf swfdw0f9i989ike eijwf89787hjN we09000mnjkkkk klklkKKKeljkkejjhe9 8ty9875!!!!!!!!!


Joe Reid said...

Arnold has never not grossed me out.

homeslaughter said...

you need a "none of the above" choice for this one

Jason Adams said...

Joe, there is a couple-year period in the mid-80s where I def. think he had an attractive swagger about him. In Commando, too. It was probably just really good coke.

homeslaughter, then it wouldn't be SCIENCE.

Hugh Man said...

Hard choice and I agree it is developing tastes. When I was a kid I used to pause the initial Terminator to make sure the flappy I thought I saw was real and then again in Conan. I think I also wanted to just "be him". Adrien gets the gold now though as I've liked his punkness ever since Summer of Sam.

Bea said...

Adrien Brody, to my mind, is always hotter than anyone.