Monday, October 26, 2009

Well That's A Buncha Bullshit

is going straight to DVD, says Slash. In February. Ugh.

I never thought I'd care about a movie starring Nic Cage
and Eva Mendes, but that's how me and Herzog roll.

ETA Slash updated their article - this isn't true. Hooray!

"UPDATE: According to a publicist who represents the producers and emailed me regarding the rumor.: “No - we have a slow 35 city roll out.”"


Joe Reid said...

Is it a bunch of bullshit? Is it really?

Jason Adams said...

Well that's what I said! I thought I'd at least get to see it at IFC. SHEESH. What sort of age do we live in where I can't watch Nic Cage have a staring contest with an igauna for two straight minutes on a big screen? WHAT SORT OF WORLD IS THIS? I no like it.

Jason Adams said...

Or an iguana even.

J.D. said...

I love igaunas.

Branden said...

Actually, the movie is being released in limited release later this year.

The direct to DVD rumors is untrue.

Jason Adams said...

Sweet, thanks for the heads-up, Branden.

Eli said...

Didnt they star together in "Ghost Rider"?

Jason Adams said...

They did indeed, Eli. Not that I've seen Ghost Rider. Couldn't do it.