Monday, October 19, 2009

Joss + Jane = Oh Em Gee

First they suckered me in with some sweet sweet Chenoweth action - do I dare confess that I've got her cover of Heart's "Alone" from the show on my iPod and listen to it routinely? I dare! I will not be ashamed! - and now I'm getting pulled back to Glee once again. This time, with feeling! Via

"If I hadn’t been warming to Glee already, this for sure would’ve begun defrosting me: Dollhouse-keeper Joss Whedon has agreed to direct one of the back nine episodes that Fox just ordered.

Turns out, the genius who gave us not only the “Once More, With Feeling” musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but also Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is a big fan of Ryan Murphy’s new phenom. So when Twentieth (the studio behind Glee) approached him about the gig, pretty much his only reservation was scheduling.

“Joss directed one of the great musical episodes in the history of television on Buffy,” gushes Murphy, “so this is a great, if unexpected, fit. I’m thrilled he’ll be loaning us his fantastic groundbreaking talent.”"

I wish he were writing the episode too - Joss writing dialogue to be spoken by Jane Lynch would blow my tiny mind. But I'll take what I can get. Now just bring Chenoweth back for the episode and kill me dead. Do it! That is how I want to die! And how about Bryan Fuller directs an episode next? HUH?


Andrew K. said...

All of Cheno's numbers were awesome. God I wish she could become a series regular. ABC how can I ever forgive you for making KC unemployed?

Unknown said...

Joss + Jane + Kristin + Neil Patrick is what I am dreaming for. That has the potential to be the most perfect hour of TV.