Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Am Link

--- Hey Lookie There - It's a terrific poster for Terry Gilliam's The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (via). Sorta Monty Python by way of René Magritte? Sorta. Anyway, it is un-boring.

Meanwhile Nat is dreaming about the film, specifically Christopher Plummer's Oscar chances and how they'll probably be better served by his other movie coming out, The Last Station. The Oscars are months away and Nat's already dreaming about them! Remind me to send him some bubble bath and one of those scented candles labeled "Sanity" come February.

--- Ghost Busted - Just in case you'd forgotten that it was happening or were hoping the studio had forgotten about it happening themselves and therefore it would not be happening, BD has an update on where the remake of Poltergeist stands. It is happening, albeit at a slower rate than planned. Sigh.

--- Got The Fever - After I watched and loved Ti West's The House of the Devil earlier this week my thoughts turned to the sequel to Eli Roth's Cabin Fever, called crazily enough Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever. West directed the film but got pissed when the studio re-cut it to make it funnier and took his name off of it. Anyway I remembered that and wondered what the deal was with the film anyway, and lo behold STYD went and answered my question. They've got a chat with the film's producer up; it's going straight to DVD and sets up a third film, of course. There's also fun talk of a gruesome prosthetic penis. Read it. I will totally watch this movie.

--- House Left Behind - Over at Kindertrauma there's a review of the remake of Last House on the Left worth checking out if you're like me and also thought the film was much better than it had any right to be. No need to knock Garrett Dillahunt for being "way too soap opera buff" though!

That was altogether an agreeable addition. But I too go back and forth on that silly ending. It's, well, silly, it's silly as fuck. But it's also... well, silly. In a fun way. And I like that.

--- Hell Bound - And Rich is giving Sam Raimi's Drag Me To Hell the once-over at FourFour. In a good way, of course. There are maggot-vomit and goat-gifs to treasure forever and ever.

--- Twice The Activity - Then over at Low Resolution Joe gives a good reason why Paranormal Activity is worth seeing on the big screen. I agree.

Meanwhile over at Tower Farm Billy and JM hate on the movie bunches and bunches. I'm definitely a measured advocate of the film and enjoyed it and dread the inevitable backlash but I also find the "scariest movie ever!" hyperbole annoying so I'm all over posting negative reviews of the movie too.

--- And finally, Park Chan-wook will be making that movie The Ax next, a remake of a French corporate thriller, which I previously posted about the possibility of here.

1 comment:

Steven said...

The Ax is an adaptation of a novel by Donald Westlake, who you may know best as the screenwriter of The Stepfather. And that's one to grow on...