Thursday, October 01, 2009

Book of the Dead


I know what I want for my birthday in July! Via io9:

"In his first novel, [George] Romero will explain the full capabilities of the undead and how the zombie plague began.

UK publisher Headline has signed Romero for a book delving into the mythology he helped create, simply titled The Living Dead. The book will explain what zombies can and cannot do, and will finally give us Romero's take on the origin of zombies and how the world at large reacts:

"It starts in San Diego, where a corpse sits up and begins to walk during an autopsy, while a reporter from Atlanta shows viewers "glimpses of increasing chaos from around the globe."

Headline will publish The Living Dead in July 2010."

In related news, word on Romero's latest Dead film, Survival of the Dead, seems to have swung back to the good-word-of-mouth side of things after a rocky start. Which is awesome. But I do hate to admit that I'm still somewhat skeptical - I'm sorry, Uncle Georgie, but you've burned me too much lately. But I hope it's good. I hope!


Stacie Ponder said...

I wonder if Romero will ever get zombied out. The dude's made some other great movies, too, you know? Eh, maybe it'll give him the budgets to make something else one of these days...or maybe he doesn't really care.

The first review of Survival... I read was scathing, but they've gotten better since then. It hurts me to say that I'm gonna wait for DVD...if I even bother. It doesn't interest me much, which makes me sad. I should be pumped!

Jason Adams said...

I think I'm probably gonna brave it this time. It's his last chance though. Burn me three times, shame on me!!!

Anonymous said... know...Land of the Dead had enough interesting ideas focusing on how people had coped with zombies, I was okay with it overall. And I didn't really have a problem with Diary, either. Going back to the beginning, yet setting it in the now worked okay for me. Sure, I will probably like Zombieland more than either film...but they do not really bug me.