Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another Evil Armoire!

Firstly I think I should be calling these pieces of furniture "bureaus" instead of armoires, shouldn't I? It's too late now really, after already naming the one in The Exorcist on Monday The World's Scariest Armoire, but I just want it known that I am semi-confused on what the correct name for these types of furniture should be.

Anyway! As I said I posted on the "armoire" in The Exorcist the other day and then while watching Rosemary's Baby last night I realized that there's another scary armoire known to horror! The one that blocks all of Mrs. Gardenia's "vacuum cleaner and her towels" aka the closet with the secret door to the Castavet's apartment:


Okay it's not nearly as scary as the one in The Exorcist is, but it deserves mention anyway. And from here I'm suddenly thinking of the writing desk that holds the rubber ball in The Changeling...


There's all sorts of scary furniture, isn't there?
Anybody got any others that come to mind?

Oooh, the chair that attacks Siggy in Ghostbusters!

(Not to mention her fridge.)


dashdog said...

JA, I'm a complete doofus because I know this, but it's called a Highboy Chest. An evil highboy chest in this case. BTW, just saw "House Of The Devil' and it scared me -- and I don't get affected by many horror films. Freaky!

Jason Adams said...

I LOVE that you know that, dashdog. Seriously. Pat yourself on the fucking back! ;-)

HotD is just so great, isn't it? It made me so happy. I think back on it fondly and can't wait to watch it again. The scary thing is how it makes you really care for a change though, right? I really liked those girls and that just multiplies the freakiness ten-fold.