Thursday, October 22, 2009

And Then There's This...

... via

"This isn’t a good sign: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Fox has decided to pull Dollhouse off the schedule during November sweeps. Joss Whedon’s ratings-challenged drama is expected to return in December and air back-to-back episodes on Friday night.

Bottom line: Barring a ratings miracle, Dollhouse will be shut down for good after it completes its current 13-episode order."

If you're surprised, raise your hand! And then go stand in the corner, dimwit. As I see it, we got thirteen more episodes of this show than any of us expected. That's a blessing. The glass in this case is most definitely half-full. Now Joss can go make movies that are delayed for full years and more new and different shows that are canned immediately. Yay! The only thing that really depresses me here is no more Olivia Williams as Adelle and no more Enver as Victor. Those were the characters that mattered. Maybe we can get a return of the man-reaction just once more (with feeling... lots of feeling) for old time's sake, huh Joss?



Anonymous said...

So If I'm and executive at SyFy (ugh!) I'd be on e the phone looking to pick-up the series. Dollhouse is perfect for the network and better than some of it's current shows. As much as I enjoy most of the cast and love Eliza, I don't think keeping them would be a problem.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't surprise me in the least. It saddens me though...

mB said...

I will miss Olivia (who does shine in An Education as you said) and Enver (even Dichen!) but yes, 13 episodes of a second season was already an embarrassment of riches given las season's ratings. Will there be a mind-blowing Epitaph Two, maybe?

Jason Adams said...

I'm really excited for tonight's episode which is supposedly all about Dichen's character... I do like her too. And I'm sure Joss will revisit the future before these episodes are out - he's gotta.

And I agree, Sean, I don't get why Joss keeps doing the network thing. Put down your ego, man.