Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Speaking Of Mr. Whedon's Junk...

... over at the website SciFiWire they got some "information" (as it's in Joss-speak, it tends to hold off on things like "specific" "facts" in favor of "being clever") on assorted junk via the man himself. On a sequel to Dr. Horrible:

SFW: Does [Dr. Horrible's Emmy win] affect anything for getting a sequel going?

Whedon: Well, I would like to think that it does, but actually we've been working on one. We've been working on writing.

SFW: Last we talked, you were considering doing the sequel as a feature film. Does becoming "The Emmy-winning Dr. Horrible" change things?

Whedon: Well, the Emmy-winning Dr. Horrible was never on TV. If we were on TV, maybe we would've won an Oscar. If we're in theaters, we can win a Tony. It's very confusing. We don't understand.

On Summer Glau's role on Dollhouse:

Whedon: You will see Summer around episode five or six. She'll be working for the team. I believe that's already out there. She'll be working for the Dollhouse team.

SFW: Kicking some ass?

Whedon: She will not be terminating, nor will she have a trigger that turns her into a living weapon a la River, or Mellie. Knowing it was going to be Summer, or hoping it was going to be Summer, I wanted to do something that was different and plays to her strengths, but at the same time is a different character and kind of lovely. There'll be a little romance involved as well."

And on The Cabin in the Woods:

SFW: How is post going on Cabin in the Woods?

Whedon: Really well. Cabin's coming along. [Director] Drew [Goddard] and I are getting very excited.

SFW: What might you show for a trailer when the whole thing is so secretive?

Whedon: We're talking about what they're going to show, and they'll start giving up some information to get people into the theaters. We're working on that now; should be soon.

The fine folks at STYD, who alerted me to this interview, also had this to share on Cabin:

"Here's what we know: The Cabin in the Woods trailer is in the works. And our sources tell us it looks very cool and very Evil Dead-ish."

And Evil Dead-ish was what we were all supposing, so not so big with the shock there. Anyway, after a bit of a sad period, it's not a half bad time to be a Whedon fanboy, eh? His junk is flying at us every which way! Not "his junk" mind you. Just.. oh nevermind.

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