Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Morning, World...


... but mainly:
Good morning, Jeremy Renner.


shaun said...

Wait...what movie are these from? I did not know that Renner-on-man action was available outside of Dahmer (great performance, but icky to think of it as a source for such joys)...educate us...where all can we see this lovely piece of man in the embrace of another man (hopefully also lovely)? Thanks!

Jason Adams said...

These are from the TV show The Unusuals, shaun. I've only seen these pictures, I haven't seen the show, so I do not know the context. There were other shots implying that the mustachioed man snuck into bed with Renner, where Renner jumps out of the bed frightened, but I didn't include those so it wouldn't ruin the illusion here. ;-)

shaun said...

Well, bless you for gifting us with these...such a cutie that one!