Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Frustration, Torment, Poltergeists, Oh My

The first two, the frustration and the torment, those would be mine. I am sooooo sick of waiting to see Paranormal Activity. And now I read that Bloody Disgusting has seen the film twice and it - my frustration and torment - only worsens. Quadruples. UGH. But BD went and reviewed the film now; choice bit:

"I cannot believe Paramount has yet to put this in theaters. What awaits you dear readers is a terrifying, chilling, remarkable independent film that can be described as an evil cross-breed of The Blair Witch Project and the horrifying (at least the first half) The Entity."

Still no solid word that the movie's getting actually put into theaters; just the rumor that maybe, perhaps. Maddening! It's all so maddening. I just can't fathom what's wrong with these brain-dead execs. Fucking morons. Trick'r'Treat and this movie just sitting in storage while the season for scary movies is coming upon us and all the horror movies came out LAST weekend. It don't make any sense. Oh except for the billionth Saw movie, we get that at Halloween! Lucky us. Kill me.